There’s something about the summer that just makes people a little bit more tolerable. Seashells on the beach, sand on my toes. It’s 34 degrees out and I’m starting to wish it was Summer again.
Seeing as this is my first post on my WordPress I figured it was fitting to open up with the one thing I love more than the arts; Summer. Maybe because I was born in August or because I’ve lived on the water even before I could breathe on my own. Who knows? All I know is that while I’m sitting here in my bed with a heating pad on me to stay warm…all I can think of is the hope that a genie will appear before me granting me one wish, which in this case would be wishing I was on a beach in Hawaii sipping rum out of a coconut. Wishful thinking, I know.
But, like most artistic people, I am a dreamer. And though I can’t make Summer magically appear, I can still reflect on the greatness of Summer and all its glory. Earlier this Summer I had the privilege of modeling for a photographer on the beautiful Jersey Shore. Surely I’m not the only person who gets turned on by seashells and wet hair. I think the best part about this shoot was making the seashell bra. If you plan on making a bra out of seashells though, avoid the sharp shells. Those little suckers hurt. I guess I’ll just have to enjoy looking at my photos, for now, maybe hot chocolate will help.
With Love,
Lex Paige