The simple things in life make all the difference. I find that the best memories I cherish, come from the smallest actions. Today I was feeling a bit under the weather, despite it being a high of 70 degrees. So I went downstairs to make myself some hot tea.
I can’t tell you the last time I had hot tea. I’m more of a coffee drinker; blame the northern in me, but today was a tea kind of day. As I’m sitting there waiting for the water to boil, I unwrapped the tea bag and while staring at the paper cover for a moment, I remember something wonderful. When I was a child, my mother and I used to have breakfast together before she went to work and I ventured off to grade school. It was a good 15 minutes of bonding that I looked forward to every day. The deal was that I made her tea and brought it into her room and after she was done getting dressed she would come to meet me in the kitchen.
I don’t remember when it was, but one day my mother taught me something simple, but special. She taught me how to make “Mr. Tea Bag Man” Taking the wrapper from the teabag and ripping the sides to make two arms and then two legs, brought with it not only fun but simple happiness. It’s like when the sunshine’s in your face on a brisk fall day or when you feel the wind brush across your face. It was something simple, but so amazing.
So as I sat there at my kitchen counter, I remembered this simple moment from my childhood, and I began to make my own Mr. Tea Bag Man. It’s not the same without my mom, but it reminds me of her, which is good enough for now. I’m happy that I have simple things like this to brighten my day because, in a world that often tends to center around negatively, it’s good to have a little simple happiness to enjoy.
With Love,
Lex Paige