Thanksgiving is a holiday where families come together to enjoy not only delicious foods but each other’s company as well.
With holidays, also comes tradition. Which I cherish the most. One tradition my family has done since my mother was little, and her mother was little, and so on, is the Pineapple Turkey on Thanksgiving.
Ever since I was a little girl, my grandmother each year the day before Thanksgiving brought over a pineapple for our holiday table. After rummaging through our holiday boxes, I would find the turkey head made out of felt and stuffed with pantyhose. I would then pin the head to the pineapple, and our centerpiece was complete!
When I asked my grandmother where this tradition came from, she couldn’t give me an answer because she had no idea. It was something that was just passed along in the family, something so simple, but what was now a tradition we look forward to! Whatever your family’s tradition, cherish the moments you have with them during this time of year. Remember traditions only last as long as people allow them, so make time for your family, and of course, enjoy the food too!
Love Always,
Lex Paige