Today was one of those is this real life sorta days: which I more than so often tend to have, but today’s was by far one for the books.
It all started off normal, the way they always do, I woke up, watched Awkward, which is an amazing show so thank you MTV, made myself some coffee and a bowl of cereal, then took a shower, dressed, and began to start my day.
I had to then go to the local grocery store to pick up some things, items that happened to be in the section directly next to the baby supply aisle. As I’m in the aisle a woman walks past me and I’m not even kidding whispers, “shame.” Thank you, lady, haha because I look like I’m seventeen and you think I’m shopping for baby products for my imaginary child…
This was the first not real-life element of the day.
Second, after that lovely experience, I went to lunch later that day with my brother. As we are sitting there, I begin hearing the man sitting behind my brother repeat, “hey, hey I got the gifts for you” over and over again. Then I look at who he is speaking to and it’s the waitresses. Which I thought awe how nice, he got them Christmas gifts. Yeah no…I don’t think so. He then hands them all checks and says, “this was for the three and five times…” And then no lie they shoved the checks in their pants and continued on their way…
I have to admit I have no idea what the hell they were talking about, however, I must say I now believe the local rumors about the restaurant.
But No wait it gets better.
Then about twenty minutes later a man stand up two tables away from us…and proposes to his wife. You’re kidding me right. Like I’m all for love and romance but you propose to your future wife at the local Chinese buffet. Maybe it’s just me, but after that, I decided that today was not real life.
After that event I gave up on today, I decided I should probably just nap until tomorrow. Being shamed at, discovering the Underground Railroad of the restaurant, and watching an uncanny engagement was enough for one day. I hope they have the wedding reception there.
Love Always,
Lex Paige