I wasn’t going to post this, but then someone I love sort of convinced me.
So here it goes.
Today I woke up at 5:20 am.
Today, my mother left her physical body here on Earth at 5:20 am.
I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. That we as humans are spiritual beings, made up of energy. That we never truly die. Frankly, I believe there is no such thing as dying because our souls live on in many ways.
I have always noticed that death is an event that a vast amount of human beings neglect until faced with imminent and personal issues. Death is this unspoken taboo, that many of us fear.
Well, today for me I had two options. I could have wallowed in self-pity and sadness all day or I could have cherished the moments I had with my mother in the physical world, and understand that I now have her in the Spirit World to guide me through life.
I’ll let you in on a little secret: I went with number two.
I have realized something because of my mother, death is a part of life, it’s inevitable, it is a natural part of life. Today when I woke up at 5:20 am, I knew there was a reason, her spirit was with me: like it will be for many years to come. I’m not going to lie to you, my conscious mind when I received a phone call from my father was not prepared for the news, but after realizing that the pain and suffering were gone, that everything was going to be okay, she wouldn’t let it be otherwise.
I can be in touch with my mother, even though she is no longer physically here on Earth. Grieving as I have learned, is a very personal and individual experience that I am dealing with in my way. I’m not ignoring my pain and anger by thinking this way, this is just how I am.
Being able to be a spiritual person is something my mother taught me, and I will thank her every day for it. It’s always going to be hard for me to accept this happened to me, to my perfect family, but this is life, and life sometimes feels like you’re living a bad dream.
Thankfully, you can wake up from dreams, and knowing there is support for me, well that just makes it a whole lot easier.
In Loving Memory of my Mother and the Most Amazing Woman, I Will EVER Know “Lori Jo Zarycki”
I will always and forever be your Pretty Peanut.
Love Always,
Your Baby.