Valentine’s Day.
It’s a day when people dedicate a little extra effort to telling the ones they love just how much they truly love them.
It’s rather beautiful if you think about it, it is one day out of the year that’s just full of love. However, I’m one of those “every day should be full of love” kind of gals, so truthfully I think Valentine’s Day is a Hallmark Holiday. My mom and I always used to joke about how it was, and frankly, from several people I saw at the store today buying pure junk, I think she was right.
Now, despite my Scrooge mentality, I still think Valentine’s Day is worth some kind of celebration. So, my team and I at Scary Kind Productions decided to put together a little Valentine’s Day photo shoot and video collaboration.
On set with me were Mark Borja, Miguel Avila, Narika Nadia, and Cassidy Whitesell; all members of the Scary Kind family. We decided to name the shoot “Wicked Games” and by God was it wickedly fun!
The shoot consisted of three different looks, with different Valentine’s Day props to add to the holiday fun. For me, it was important not only to showcase three different looks: a little something for everyone but also to showcase our company’s ability to present quality work. With the shoot being this past Thursday, we only had two days to edit and create our finished products, which is not a lot of time to create quality work. However, as you can see, Scary Kind can defeat any challenge.
So, the Valentine’s Day shoot was a complete SUCCESS, and if your company or someone you know wants to produce quality content, well now I guess Scary Kind Productions may just be your go-to guys.
Love Always,
Lex Paige