Today marks two weeks since my mother passed away: and like always, something funny occurred.
See, when I was little, I had a class project in kindergarten where I had to pick an emotion and draw it out. Most of the kids picked basic things, like happy, sad, mad, etc. But what I decided to do was “The Nervous Girl.”
My mother kept the drawing because she and the teacher found it not only extremely strange but humorous a five-year-old picked the emotion of nervousness for her class project. Now, this brings me to today.
See, on Wednesday I have my internship at the news station, and today I was lucky enough to be unchained from my current position at the assignment desk to finally begin producing. However, I was extremely nervous.
I never really get nervous, but producing is what I’ve been waiting for because I love to write. However, I have never once in my life written a new script, so I had no idea what the hell I was doing. AKA… I was nervous as funk. However, like I said, life works in mysterious ways. See, there are about fifty cubicles in the newsroom, where I could be assigned. Now, since I’m an intern, I don’t have my cubicle, so wherever my supervisor tells me to go, I listen, and I go.
And wouldn’t you know it, out of the fifty cubicles, I was assigned to the far left back one, which was to a woman named, wouldn’t you guess it? Lori.
My mother’s name if you didn’t already know, is Lori. L O R I. Not Laurie, or Lorry, or Lorie, no L O R I. Which you don’t always find. But again, what are the odds, this woman’s name was spelled the same damn way. With, may I add, a picture of her little girl next to her name plaque blonde hair and blue eyes, next to it. Sure, I know some people would probably say it was just a coincidence, but not me. Like I said, I could have been assigned to 49 other desks, but God gave me this one. I suppose it’s because I was so nervous, but tell you what, after seeing her name, I was no longer the nervous girl,” anymore.
Love Always,
Lex Paige