I wish I could say my senior in college is a piece of cake. I wish I could tell you I have the best life, no problems, money galore, and really ideal situation: but I can’t. The fact of the matter is, I would be lying to you all, horribly, and I really try not to be that way, so I’m going to be honest with you all my lovely readers: this year 2015 has placed me in what I like to call, a rut. See, I’ve decided as of yesterday while talking with my father: 2015 is not my year.
Why may you ask: well despite all the good stuff that’s happened, which there has been a fair amount, it seems to me there has been frankly more negative than positive. More things have occurred that seem to at times overpower the good, which is why I officially hate 2015. Now, you may be saying to yourself, self, “it will turn around, stay positive Lex, and don’t focus on the negative.” And if in fact, you are one of those people thinking that, with all due respect, please keep your words to yourself.
Not be mean or anything, but seriously those words of encouragement to people who are going through some issues, 100% better left unsaid. See, one thing I’ve learned this shit year is that you can’t dwell on the past and you must accept the challenges you are given: even if they are less than ideal. However, there is a flip side. You are a
allowed to be angry, to hate things, to get it all out.
I mean really, unless you’ve been in difficult shoes, you don’t know, so I and my band of messed up gypsies don’t blame you, but anger and being a little feisty sometimes, really does help. I’m sure when I say this, I am speaking for all my brothers and sisters when I say cut the bullshit sympathy talk sometimes, and just let us be raging messes. Personally, I rather have someone agree with me on how hard my life is and allow me to bitch at them with support then have to listen to someone feed me bullshit they don’t even really believe. It’s more real then. And being real with someone that makes the process of anger slowly slips away. Now you’re probably asking this: what the hell Lex. What is your point? Well, this is my point. When someone says they are not having a good year, give that person something they can break instead: let a little anger out.
Let it all OUT. Trust me, it will be a lot better and easier if you just let that person be angry. So I will conclude with this: I speak for ALL the people who have been where I am at some point in their lives, do us all a favor, and let us be angry and hate. At least for a little while. You what they say, if you want the rainbow, you got to deal with the rain…I guess some of us just get more thunderstorms in one year than others, but hey, another glorious mystery of life.
With Love,
Lex Paige