Man-bun (n): A questionably sexy hairstyle in which a man with hair of medium to long length, creates a semi-secure rounded bun/ponytail on the top of his head.
The man-bun, also called a topknot, is a derivative of a hairstyle historically worn by warriors and worshippers; and is also the center of my topic today. Why may you ask? Well, for one, I like many other female patrons across the world, am a major fan of the man-bun; which in return has made me want to know more about it, but also because I have recently seen a plethora of man-bun sightings on my college campus, including my friends and teacher (yes it’s awkward I know) which in return has made me wonder…what gives?
So, after some Google research and some conversing with some man-bun rocking friends, I discovered that the man-bun has been around for quite some time; making it one of the longest-running hairstyle trends in the history of the world. Not only did I discover man-buns are visually appealing, but they have also had some serious historical impact.
As I came to discover, the man-bun has been worn by the wise, (Buddha) the brave, (The Terracotta Warriors) the crazy, ( 1970’s Hippies), and of course the holy of the holiest, (Jesus Christ). That means the infamous man-bun has been rocked since the B.C! Okay maybe I can’t prove that Jesus had a man-bun…but he wore his hair in a messy ponytail so I rest my case.
Anyway, it’s crazy to me how long they have been around, but I guess it’s the simplicity of its charm that keeps it coming back around. I even discovered that there is an Instagram called @manbunmonday, which honestly, I suggest you just stop reading now and go follow because it’s life-changing. But honestly, the man-bun has got me hooked. Really though I won’t be offended if you just stop reading now to go follow them, I would. Now, after my man-bun research, I realized I not only liked the way the man-bun looked on a man, but I thought, well hell, just maybe it could look just as cool on me. I mean I love Buddha and Jesus so it has great moral guidance, warriors influence empowerment so it’s good for my self-confidence and my friends already call me a hippy so I’m halfway there. Right?
Wrong. Why? Because here’s the thing: I am not a man…so technically I couldn’t have a man-bun…now could I. So, I needed to put my creative mind to work, which in return provided me with this idea.
Fem-bun (n): A sexy, empowering hairstyle similar to the man-bun with hair medium to long length where there is a small semi-secure rounded bun/ponytail on the top of the head with the rest of the hair down. This is also referred to as the female man-bun. Fair enough right, I think so.
How to put your hair in a Fem-Bun
As told by Alexis Zarycki in 5 simple steps
STEP 1. Don’t wash your hair for like two days and/or longer. When males create the man-bun they have dirty greasy hair. This may sound gross, but in return makes you sexier.
STEP 2. Get a hair tie. It is best if you get a hair tie that is loose or a rubber band. You want your bun to look like it’s about to fall out, I’m not sure why I just know it works.
STEP 3. Part your hair ladies. Half up half down style. You should have a handful of hair on the top of your head to create the bun. Take your hair and grab a fist full of hair on the top of your head, and you are set up for success.
STEP 4. Twist. Take that fist full of hair and twist it real good. Twist it into an oddly shaped sphere on the top of your head. Refer to a picture of the Terracotta Warrior above for a visual reference.
STEP 5. Tie it off. Take that loose hair tie or rubber band and semi-secure that fem-bun on the top of your head; making the transformation complete.
So there you have it! You now to my fellow females can re-create your very own female-man bun, making the man-bun and now the fem-bun both timeless looks. Remember, from what I have learned is that they are both easy to do, easy to manage, and in the end…make everyone look strangely sexually attractive. So take my advice ladies and gents…get yourself a fem/men bun. You will be happy you did.
Love Always,
Lex Paige