Since I write about things that happen in my day-to-day life…there’s always bound to be some negative instances that occur. I mean it wouldn’t be life if everything was the sunshine and Daisy’s (which on the contrary would be nice) but the negatives are what make the boring days interesting…or at least allow for a new writing topic.
Last night, I went out with a group of “friends” (which I put in quotations because I did not know half of them) and went to a bar uptown in the city. It was for a “friend’s” birthday (who I barely know as well) which was fun until someone decided to open their mouth.
You know on a side note, I love people, I do…But I also really despise them. Why? Because of what I’m about to discuss happened.
As we were all on our way to the bar in the taxi (safety first) one of the individuals with us, whom I have never been quite friendly with, started being as I like to say “salty” with me within the taxi conversation. I’m not quite sure what the original conversation was, to be honest with you, but the fire was heating up with hating words and bad energy.
And then this shot was fired:
“All you do is take pictures…I highly think that’s a job.” -Hater
Needless to say, I wasn’t too happy. I mean I know you can’t please everyone and there will ALWAYS be people who are “HATING” on what you do, but it’s people who are ignorant with their comments that, well not necessarily get under your skin per se, but make me at least wish I could give them a wake-up call to being more respectful and sincere.
After the crude comment, however, I just simply stopped talking, and once the taxi door opened up at our final destination, I got out and simply walked away. Easy right? You’d think; but despite being what seemed like the “bigger person” in the situation, I still felt a little uneasy; and I kept wondering why.
I know for a fact, that what the person said was 100% not true (TRUST ME, I work for a living so modeling and “just taking pictures” isn’t my full-time job) so why was I feeling so bothered? I mean I look at myself as being fearless, which is why I am proud of the things I do and the pictures I take whether I get paid or not. It’s something that is empowering to me as an individual and makes me feel joy inside, which is why I love “taking pictures” whenever I can. And that my friends are the beauty of it.
Your haters are your motivators.
Having something that makes YOU feel empowering and makes YOU happy…well then there should never be even a thought or care about what anybody else ever thinks. So I suppose my point after all my rambling is this…despite what negativity someone might spread or what a hater might say, remember that as long as you are happy with what you do and who you are, then we’ll my friend you are unbreakable. Even if it is just “taking pictures” 🙂
Love Always,
Lex Paige