It’s been almost seven months since Theodore Meatball Zarycki has entered my life.
Theodore, whom I tend to call Theo, Theo-Pee-O, Baby Angel, Cleo-Theo, Meatball, Chicken, Pee-Pee Head, and newly Theodora the Explora; is if you do not already know my pet Lionhead Bunny. Lionhead bunnies, if you do not already know, are relatively small bunnies, weighing around three to five pounds, with thick fur with a long-haired mane surrounding their face. Lionhead bunnies have very perky expressions, eat a lot of grass, and can be housed indoors or outdoors in a small cage. They can live as long as eight to ten years and are easy to care for. Lionhead bunnies need food, to be brushed, and must have room to exercise and play.
In addition, Lionhead bunnies can be great pets because of their friendly demeanor, easy-care, and of course score high on the overall cuteness scale. Though this information was helpful when I was deciding whether or not to purchase a Lionhead bunny, it has certainly changed. I have slowly but surely learned, having an actual Lionhead bunny in your care is a bit more than the general description most internet sites provided.
When I first got Theo, I made sure he learned that going to the bathroom outside his cage was a no-no, so he was granted privileges to roam free all day every day. I decided not to keep Theo in a cage when I got him because I couldn’t bear to see him locked up and bored to death every day. I only put Theo in his cage when I am cleaning or when he gets a time out because I trained him that way. However, Theo’s freedom does come with some rebellious ways. On a normal day, I usually wake up to Theo either sitting on my head or digging in my hair (Or eating my hair) or him running the Indie 500 around my room making way too much noise for 6 am. He usually does this because he is hungry (Like a child) and wants to be fed. After I feed him, he then becomes quiet and happy.
Then I go to work, and I let him be free, which usually results in me coming home to some naughty things he’s done while I was away. Since letting Theo roam free, I have come home to my comforter being pulled off my bed, my paint chipped off the wall, my stuffed animals torn apart, a lamp knocked over, a pillowcase destroyed, wires half-eaten, and a bunch of other minor felonies done by my little convict.
Though, as time has passed, Theo and his little criminal acts, have taught me the art of what I like to call “Theo-Proofing.” Theo proofing is simple. I make sure there are no visible wires, valuable items, or anything he can electrocute or chew in visible sight. I make sure any molding and doors are covered with pretty duck tap to avoid chewing and are covered with my special concoction of lemon and water spray. I discovered Theo does not enjoy the smell or taste of lemon, so if the area’s he is prone to chew are covered in it, he won’t bite! (I’m a genius I know) Theo proofing has so far shown all positive results, and we are getting better as time goes by.
As I’ve watched my little Theo grow, I’ve learned Theo likes to lay like a dog on the floor, lay like a cat in the windowsill, likes to watch Jurassic Park, enjoys haircuts, hates being brushed, loves the dried orange slices and doesn’t like hard surfaces. I’ve learned that when Theo wants to be left alone, he gets left alone; and when he wants to be loving, he will be loving. It’s funny actually, because even though he’s not your typical house pet, Theo is just like a dog or cat, with emotions and his own ways. I didn’t really think it would be like that to be blunt, but he really does have a personality of his own.
I have come to terms with the fact I have a rather strange Lionhead bunny. It may be just because I am his owner (which it probably is because I trained him) or it may be because he keeps eating the paint off the walls and it’s made me coo-coo for cocoa puffs. In the end, I love Theo. He really is an awesome pet. Even though he sometimes wakes me up like a child because he wants food, or sits on my head like a cat, and even when he runs the indie 500 at 6 am because according to Theo it’s playtime, I still love him and I am thankful for my little weirdo, because even though he can be a little trouble maker, coming home to seeing his sweet little baby angel face sitting on my bed, well that makes it totally worth it.
With Love,
Lex Paige