If you didn’t already know, November is Stomach Cancer Awareness Month. Stomach Cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer deaths in the world and it is also how my mother lost her life.
It is estimated that around one million people worldwide will be diagnosed with stomach cancer this year; which is why I decided to share with people my mother’s story and create this month-long fundraiser to raise awareness and funds in the hopes of helping to end Stomach Cancer.
Having a family member so close to you pass away from such a serious illness ultimately changes your whole life. After my mother was diagnosed with stomach cancer back in 2012, all I did for months was think about how things could be different, how they should be different: and frankly I was just straight mad at the world. It’s been almost a year now since her passing, which in truth seems unreal, however not a day goes by where I do not think about her and honor her memory. It’s hard for me to always be strong, and hard for me to be happy, but I know that my mother is always watching me and encouraging not only myself but my entire family to be strong.
For three long years my mother battled Stomach Cancer, but never during that time did she let it bring her down. My mother was a fighter, before and during her battle with cancer, which is how our family has continued to show strength and courage these past few months. Because of my mom and the person she was, myself and my family refuse to give up. I can’t honestly express to you in words how hard it has been, but I can tell you that despite the constant sorrow and countless times we’ve all wanted to give up, the truth is we can’t; because of her. It’s hard for me to share my mother’s story, but I know in the end, me telling people about her life and what she went through with Stomach Cancer, in some way or another will help.
My family and so many other families across the world have lost someone they have loved to Stomach Cancer, but by sharing our loved one’s stories we can all be a part of the change and do something that counts. Since my mother’s passing, my father has written a book entitled, “Stairways: A True Story of Love, Life, and Death,” which was written in memory of my mother and her life. Sharing her story in this book has shown people that even though life isn’t so fair all the time, good can come from the struggles we sometimes have to face.
This fundraiser, Stairways for a Cure, is in honor of my mother, and will for November donate the proceeds to Stomach Cancer Research. I ask you all to donate in honor of your friends, family, and strangers who may cross your path to help find a cure to stop Stomach Cancer once and for all. You can donate through the link on my website.
Join us on the Stairway to finding a cure, and be sure to wear periwinkle in honor of Stomach Cancer Awareness this month. Please feel free to share your story too by email or posting in the comment section below.
With Love,
Lex Paige
For more information on “Stairways – A True Story of Love, Life, and Death” Click Here