I was reading an article and saw on Facebook and happened to come across an advertisement for a product called, “Prize Candle.” I immediately thought to myself, what the hell is a prize candle, so I clicked on it. After being directed to their website, I favorably discovered Prize Candle was a company that made natural soy candles with hidden rings in them! Prize Candle offers a wide array of soy candle options and bath bombs; all with hidden rings in them which could be valued up to $5,000! (Um excuse me…YES PLEASE!)
Well, as you may have already guessed, I bought myself one and anxiously awaited its delivery for the next week. I chose to go with the 9-ounce “Friendship Candle” as my first purchase; because of its floral scent and the fact that every Friendship Candle burns for up to 40 hours, and contains a hidden ring and a prize code for a chance to win big! I received my prize candle only four days with standard shipping after placing my order and was pleasantly surprised at how fast it arrived.
First off, the packaging was adorable, but also helpful too. It explains on the box in which your candle arrives what to do when fishing out your prize once it is visible. The box let me know that once I remove my ring in its plastic packaging from the candle, I will discover a code to enter online for a free appraisal of my ring! I thought this part was nifty and fun when I did it.
My ring once I was able to pull it out with a pair of pliers, I discovered an emerald green stone with a silver band. I then logged onto Prize Candle’s website and entered the code that came inside the packaging. My ring ended up being worth $10 but hey, my candle only cost me $12! One of the great aspects of Prize Candle, besides the mystery and surprise factors of discovering your prize, is that the company provides a monthly membership program that delivers its featured fragrance to your doorstep every month. Also, as a Club Member, you receive a new Prize Candle monthly and are billed the discounted club price and any applicable sales tax.
This is perfect for not only you candle lovers out there but jewelry lovers too! I have not yet signed up for this deal, however, I am signed up for Prize Candle’s email newsletters where I receive amazing discount deals! Ultimately, Prize Candle unquestionably receives five out of five stars in my book, and I am going to be purchasing another Prize Candle shortly! These candles are certainly worth it and make great gifts too.
With Love,
Lex Paige