99% of the time when my father calls me he asks, “Have you been taking your vitamins?” I then reply, “Dad, how many times are you going to ask me, yes.” Regardless of his constant hounding, I mean he is my parent, your daily vitamins are very important and I do make sure I take them each day. Why?
Well, if you are a junk food lover like me, a lot of times the things we eat daily don’t have all the daily vitamins and nutrients we need to function at our full capacity. This is why each day I start my day with a woman’s multivitamin, vitamin C supplement, a shot of my ProCharger Protein, and allergy medication. However, over the past couple of months, I still haven’t been feeling as well as I did this time last year.
Mainly, my issue was aches and pains towards the end of the workday and before bed. This pain was mainly in my hands, possibly due to working forty hours a week and all my typing on the computer, which led me to start researching ways to reduce the pain. This then brought me to finding Prolific Health’s Turmeric Curcumin All Natural Supplement which I was sent to try and discuss with all of you.
So what in the world is Turmeric Curcumin? Well, first off you are about to be shocked at how many medical benefits this pill has. Turmeric Curcumin is an all-natural supplement that helps to reduce inflammation. Inflammation is one of the major causes of cardiovascular diseases, and oxidation stress plays a key role in causing hypertension. Other preliminary lab studies suggest that Turmeric Curcumin also helps to protect against skin diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, stomach ulcers, and high cholesterol. Turmeric is the rootstalk of an Asian plant that belongs to the ginger family. Turmeric has a distinctive yellow-orange pigment and is a spice that’s often used in Asian dishes, mustards, and pickles. One of turmeric’s main components is curcumin – a substance that is thought to possess many healing properties…which have been proven to be true.
So How Did Turmeric Curcumin Work?
The bottle I received comes with 120 capsules of Turmeric Curcumin. I first read through the information provided on the site and bottle before starting to take it and agreed with all the benefits it offered. The Prolific Health Turmeric Curcumin Capsules are a 650 mg Capsule that is recommended to be taken once per day. So after popping a pill every morning for the past two weeks and have honestly felt healthier and less pain in my hands and throughout the rest of my body. The pills were rather large, but besides that easy to take. My joints feel better, my mind feels better; this stuff point-blank works. (For more information click here)
A Key Note
One thing during my research on this product was that I found Turmeric Curcumin has been tested in cancer therapy. As you all may or may not know, I lost my mother last year to Stomach Cancer, so I am very passionate about cancer prevention. As I found, several reports have described curcumin’s ability to modulate tumor-related genes. Curcumin can inhibit key signaling pathways in cancer, contributing to the prevention of tumor formation, migration, and invasion. Emerging evidence has been suggesting that curcumin may exert its anticancer activities by targeting cancer stem cells. This made me even more of a fan of the product and once my 120 days are up, I will certainly be purchasing another bottle of this amazing supplement. Thanks to Prolific Health, I have now given my body a positive lift and will continue to be taking this natural supplement for years to come.
Get your health on track and order yourself some Turmeric Curcumin on Amazon today!
With Love,
Where did your tumeric info come from? Did you cite any references ? Just curious as I suffer from inflamed wrists from typing so much!