Never Let A Stumble in the Road be the End of Your Journey

Never Let A Stumble in the Road be the End of Your Journey

Normally, I’m tough; or at least I like to think I am. I pride myself on how independent I am and how I need no man to save me on his mighty steed. But, like most people, I’m a liar. And despite my best efforts, I still love, care, and need a companion.  However, there was trouble in paradise that got me thinking, can we build back up a relationship we break down? Can we mend through wounds we cut open?

So this is what happened. I got into a lover’s quarrel. No me gusto. As we started talking (yelling/crying) all I could think to myself was great…our relationship is doomed. The negativity was evident everywhere. I mean in all honesty, as two different people who have two different philosophies on life, we were sure to disagree at some point; I just didn’t think now was the time. But here we were, arguing about our personal choices, and futures, being scared, sorry, confused and all topped off with heartbreak. And here I was, wondering what we were going to do.

But then I took a second to just breathe, understand, and get the purpose of why we came to where we were in our relationship. And then it hit me. (And maybe him) This wasn’t going to end like this. Why? Well, I’m not 100% sure why, but something in my gut told me this outburst was the obstacle we both needed to make us stronger. I realized that we were having a conflict or several, but that didn’t mean it was excused to bail.

So how did it end? Well, we both realized what needed to be said was said, and being with one another was worth all the uncertainties and happiness that came with it. We learned that being open with each other was something we needed to truly stick to and act upon because hiding how you feel just eats you inside. We needed to practice accepting one another, be patient, and realize love is a living thing we maintain. And just like people have good days and bad, so will our love and feelings for each other, and that’s okay.

Ultimately, what I learned from this experience is how you communicate with your significant other is what will determine what your future holds.  How you deal with your problems when you are in a romantic relationship isn’t always going to be easy (I know this first hand) but it can work itself out of the knot it may bind in and create something beautiful in the end. Ultimately, relationships are never easy…but stumbles are not worth giving up your journey.

With Love,

Lex Paige
