When you decide to start a website/blog and start to look into all that’s involved, you might develop some frustrations. Take it from someone who went back and forth for weeks on how she was going to start her website, it can take a toll on a person.
However, by teaching myself how to go about starting my blog (LexPaige.com) and the right ways to do it, I was able to come up with three simple steps to help get other bloggers on the right foot toward success. Breaking up some of the processes into these steps made creating my blog a more manageable process, which will help you avoid all the painful moments I endured.
Steps for Creating a Website/Blog
First Step
To create a website/blog, you need to choose your platform. For me, I use one of the most common blogging platforms, WordPress. WordPress is a FREE platform that provides user-friendly editors to create and publish your content and with plenty of tutorials online, it is easy to teach yourself how to manipulate your blog to your liking.
Second Step
REGISTER YOUR DOMAIN NAME. I can’t stress this enough, if you have a passion for writing and want to pour your heart and soul into your blog, register your domain name. Why? Simple, having a self-hosted blog instead of a free blog allows you to have validation and acquire sponsorships which in the long run truly benefit your brand. If your interest is to start a WordPress blog to make money or advance your blogger career; a self-hosted WordPress.org blog is more professional and may be the right choice for you.
*Before you do this though, I stress you think long and hard about a domain name that is catchy, and appealing to your specific demographic, and make sure you’re not infringing on anyone else’s copyrights by checking your domain name HERE.
Third Step
If you took my advice and decided to go with setting up your blog with WordPress, now it’s time to set up your web host. My answer is Bluehost. I have had nothing but an amazing experience with Bluehost since creating my website/blog with them back in 2016. Bluehost is the only hosting service officially recommended by WordPress and has been the number-one recommended hosting service for its platform for almost 10 years.
I recommend signing up for the 12-month hosting plan through Bluehost because of the money you will save signing up for a full year. Overall, Bluehost is an affordable, reliable, and 24/7 support self-hosting site. (Powering over 2 million websites worldwide…that’s impressive)
Click HERE to Get Started!
With Love,
Lex Paige