It was no surprise I wanted to check out the newest horror film, A Quiet Place as it hit theaters this weekend because horror is my middle name. However, I wish I had known a few things about the film before I went and saw it because to be honest…it’s very…very…quiet.
Directed by The Office veteran John Krasinksi, and starring both him and his wife, Emily Blunt, this film takes you on an epic monster journey that will have you on edge and submerged in silence. Don’t worry this isn’t a spoiler, but the film is a sort of Cloverfield meets Signs combination with monsters that have incredible hearing and hunt humans and kill them. It’s delightful…but there is one thing you should be aware of…
The main thing you need to know about the film is it is practically silent with almost no dialogue and secretly snacks shame those who watch it in the theater. You can hear EVERYTHING! Which is awesome, but not for those who love to snack when they watch movies like me. When someone was eating popcorn, you could hear. When someone was sipping soda, you could hear. Don’t worry about cell phone noise bothering you during this movie, because the people who wouldn’t survive the “quiet place” have it covered…and it was annoying.
Regardless, I must add it was super cool to experience a total silent theater at times and I did almost feel like I was a part of the movie. At times I did feel as if while I was trying to quietly eat my combination of crackers, cookies, and candy I was tiptoeing on eggshells to keep quiet from the monsters. But the distraction of other snackgoers in the audience was a bit exhausting so it was painful bliss.
Anyway, good job John Krasinski I applaud you and those who dare to watch the film in theaters…YOU’VE BEEN WARNED! I recommend seeing “A Quiet Place” before it leaves theaters…just remember to bring your quiet snacks.
With Love,
Lex Paige