It’s Father’s Day!
Another glorified holiday in the world dedicated to the men in our lives who gave us life to show them a little bit more loving.
Father’s Day isn’t just a day for dads to get more tools or to go golfing (which we know you love) but it’s a day celebrated on the third Sunday of June to honor our father figures with some extra appreciation and care. It’s a day to honor dads, grandfathers, step-dads, and all other men who act as father figures to us like kings for helping shape and mold us into marvelous individuals.
You know the history of Father’s Day is pretty interesting, to say the least. On July 19, 1910, the governor of the U.S. state of Washington proclaimed the nation’s first Father’s Day, however, it was not until 1972, 58 years after President Woodrow Wilson made Mother’s Day an official holiday, the day finally became a nationally recognized holiday in the US. Pretty cool right?
Not to brag or anything, but my dad is pretty freaking awesome. Not only can he fix just about anything, braid my hair, write a book, treat a lady like a lady, and do just about anything he puts his mind to; but he is also one of the strongest, funniest, wisest, and most handsome men I know. He was the one who taught me how to fix a tire, held my hand at graduation, helped me win the science fair four years in a row, helped me buy my first car and even was my escort for my first and quite possibly last beauty pageant I was in.
Seriously, though, I don’t think I would be the person I am today without my father’s qualities and personality. My brother too can justify how my father taught him important life skills and how to treat women. (ALWAYS open the door for a lady) Even last week when I was home, I utilized some of the skills my father had taught me by fixing my friend’s halfway falling off the bumper on the highway with a bungee cord I spotted on the side of the road. (Which, may I add, stayed on all the way home with my MacGyver father taught skills until he fixed it when we got back) Like I said he can fix anything.
For my dad today, I, unfortunately, couldn’t be back home in New Jersey due to my new job to spend the day with him, however, my brother will be taking the rings on this year’s Father’s Day activities, to show him how much we love and appreciate everything he does for us. However, that doesn’t mean I did not show the man in my life some Father’s Day loving…which is why before I left I made sure to show him some love. One of my favorite things actually about Father’s Day is being able to shower him with gifts on how much I love him. I think it has to do with how creative I am, but when it comes to gift giving, I ALWAYS try to give the person a gift that well, means something. I can remember even when I was little, crafting cards for my father, making him a sign out of driftwood, and even scrambling up some piggy bank money (with some help from mom) just so I could give him a present to show him even more how much I loved him. ( Oh yeah, my parents brought me home from the hospital in a limo) #ThugLife
You see, I think all gifts that a person gives should have some emotional value in them to make them meaningful, which is why that’s why this year, our family’s first Father’s Day without Mom, I made sure I put a lot of thought into what I wanted to get dad. So, besides making him some good old home cooking (lasagna is my new forte) I got him a mug that said dad with a bunch of scratches-offs in it (we love scratch-offs) a new lunch box (since the one mom bought last year was on its last run) two new shirts, some new cologne and best of all one of those big, obnoxious cards that everyone loves to hate. Dad loved it.
He also loved the gift my brother got him too (Boston tickets) so I think Father’s Day was a success, and I bet Mom would agree too. In the end, Father’s Day is a day for those men who (if you’re a daughter) told our first boyfriends they owned a shotgun, made sure we were safe, came to our dance recitals/soccer practices, watched over us, and in general made us who we are, which is why all you dads are well deserving of this fine day. As with that, I dedicate this article to your dad, my father Steven Zarycki, the wonderful man who helped shape me into the woman I am today. So I hope you enjoy your day and know Mom, Chris, and the rest of our family…love you to the moon and back!
Happy Father’s Day Dad! & all the other fathers and soon-to-be dads too!
Love Always,
Lex Paige