The other day at work one of my co-workers kept staring at me while we were discussing some business. I didn’t notice until she kept looking at my eyes with this sort of dazed look. She finally stopped me mid-conversation and said, “I know I don’t know you that well yet, but can I ask you something?”
I laughed because I knew whatever she was about to ask me was going to be awkward, and then replied yes. “Do you wear fake eyelashes every day?” I again continued to laugh. “What? while laughing No why?” She then proceeded to tell me herself, along with several others in the office, though I wore fake eyelashes every day…because my eyes were so big and my lashes were so long…
Well, as you probably already guessed from the name of this article, NO I DO NOT WEAR FAKE EYELASHES. Therefore, YES! My eyelashes are 100% REAL.
But the conversation didn’t stop there. After I let her know they were real, she asked me another question. The same follow-up question everyone usually asks me. HOW? How do I get my eyelashes so long? What mascara do I use? Well, the answers to these questions are rather simple. Which is why I decided to share my eyelash secrets in this article.
1. Try to Wear NO Make-Up When You Can
Simple as that. When you can, don’t wear make-up. It is healthier for your eyelashes to grow when they have some time off from mascara. You can grow your lashes quicker by adding Vaseline to your eyes before you go to bed to add with this step. It will take a little while to see the results, but in the end, it works! But, trust me…wearing no makeup for a little while with help!
2. Don’t Touch Them
99.9% of the time people pull their eyelashes out. I have no idea why. I mean I love making eyelash wishes too, but that’s when they fall out on their own. Otherwise, DO NOT PULL THEM. Especially when you are washing your face, be gentle. The skin on your face is very sensitive, so be nice to it. When you are rubbing off that night before makeup off your face, use products that remove makeup easily. Pulling eyelashes out won’t help them grow. Common sense people.
3. Your Blow Dryer is Your Friend
Okay, so a long time ago back in 6th grade, I met this girl in my science class who I can’t remember her name to save my life, who told me about this little blow dryer secret. So here it is. From time to time, when I want my eyelashes to look even bigger than they already are, I use my blow dryer. Now you’re probably thinking, what funk do I do with my blow-dryer to make my eyelashes bigger? All I do is this. Take your mascara of choice (See below) and put it on your eyelashes. I suggest you use something that already gives you some volume before doing this. Next, get a blow dryer and if you want an eyelash curler. Make sure the setting of your blow dryer is on COOL. If you put it on hot you potentially may damage your eyes. And we don’t want that! As your setting is on cool, you can put it on the highest setting or medium; whichever you prefer (Keep in mind this air is going to be blowing in your face) After you choose your pressure setting, you can take your optional eyelash curler and put in on your eyelashes. Then take the blow dryer and simply put it blowing air upward on your eyelashes. If you choose not to use an eyelash curler, skip the putting your eye step (Obviously) and just allow the pressurized wind from the blow dryer to blow your eyelashes upward. The wind from the blow-dryer stretches your eyelashes up and dries them in place. Simple as that.
4. ALMAY is God’s Gift to Your Lashes
So I discovered Almay Intense I-Color Volumizing Mascara about three years ago. The stuff is seriously awesome. If you want big and bold lashes that make your eye color pop, this is what you want. It’s hypoallergenic, ophthalmologist-tested, and suitable for contact lens wearers. It has a little sparkle in it to match your eye color (Which they call eye-brightening crystals) that creates a multi-dimensional amplification of your lashes. It also makes your eyes look super cool in the sun: but that’s just a bonus. The lash-enhancing brush has volume-boosting grooves that help separate your lashes and bring them to a full extent, which is another reason I love and recommend this product if you want longer and healthier lashes. They have mascara for blue, hazel, green, and brown eyes: so no one is left out! The product is affordable too, running at about 5$ and some change at Walmart and local pharmacies. (Another reason I love it)
5. Sometimes it’s Genetics
With myself, I was greatly blessed. My brother and I both were given the genetic blessing of having some big @$$ eyes. It’s in our blood. Therefore, sometimes I don’t have to do the things I listed above to be asked the question, “Are you wearing fake eyelashes.” Sometimes because of my genetic blessing of big eyes with big eyelashes, all I have to do is put on some generic brand mascara and call it a day. Unfortunately, there is no way to make your eyes bigger. But maybe in the future people will be able to get plastic surgery for bigger eye and eyelash replacements. You never know.
So there you have it. My deep dark secrets are now forever revealed on how to get some nice long lashes. So no more asking people.
With Love,
Lex Paige