I don’t have any kids yet, I just have a furry toddler. He likes carrots, and playtime and occasionally eats a cheerio when they fall on the floor. Can you guess what it is? I own a bunny.
Theodore is a five-year-old Lionhead rabbit and a really big diva. Theo is a unique bunny in many ways and he certainly loves the camera. I adopted him when he was just a few weeks old in Lancaster, South Carolina and he is a free roam rabbit. If you have no idea what that is, basically I own a cat. I trained Theo to potty in his cage (though we do have accidents) and roam around my home playing, sleeping, and being naughty.
Theo is pretty much my best friend and furry child, I have taken A LOT of photos and videos of him. He is very spoiled and tends to show it in his bunny modeling. So, since Easter will not be the same this year, I figured why not share some adorable photos of my rather strange but precious creature. I hope you enjoy and have a “Happy” Easter weekend.
With Love,
Lex Paige