I think 2020 has us all feeling a little stuck and wondering if there is more to life. Over the past few months, I have become overrun with a ton of different emotions including (depression, anxiety, seclusion, loneliness, joy, anger) and the list could go on…
But as many say, during our darkest times, we find our true light. And if you are feeling like you’ve hit a roadblock and seeking a clearer path to explore your gifts, then look no further because it’s time to pick up an amazing book and give “Courage to Find Purpose” by Janelle Klander a read.
About “Courage to Find Purpose” by Janelle Klander
A synopsis from the book says it all. If you’ve ever woken up and realized you’ve been living a life based on “shoulds” and other people’s expectations, then this book is for you.
Although from the outside Janelle’s young professional life looked great, she felt suffocated. She lived with anxiety most days and was confused about what she was supposed to do next with her grown-up life. After one night of seeing this false life flash before her, she knew she had to start a new chapter. She broke up with her boyfriend, escaped her 9 to 5, and moved to Spain, where she didn’t speak the language and didn’t know anyone.After two years, Janelle found herself back in the United States, however this go around she was overcome by uncertaining, depression, axniety and more confused than ever before. Janelle questioned everything about who she was and what she was meant to be doing and then she had a thought. For the first time, she had an inkling that maybe, she was meant for something great. She started to see that she had an inner compass to guide her along the way, she just had to listen and trust.
Told with honesty and humor, Janelle’s stories are for anyone that struggles with feeling lost, or unworthy and yearns for a life with more meaning and purpose. “Courage to Find Purpose” is a book we can all relate to and become inspired by Janelle’s willingness to open up and the lessons she learned. After reading parts of her book, I felt an imminent release of my negative energies and an overall sense of clarity within myself thanks to Janelle’s words.
As Janelle notes on her website, “Take this book to the beach and read along with a friend. Read it when you need a recharge while you’re at a festival. Cozy up on a cold winter’s night and take it in. Share a relevant story with a friend who’s going through something similar so they know they aren’t alone and that there is hope.” I truly believe (and so does Janelle) that no one should ever feel like they are alone; because you are NOT. We all have a unique purpose in this world and with “Courage to Find Purpose” by Janelle Klander you will be able to cope and become a better you.
I think it’s so important for all of us, especially during these uncertain times, to find courage in ourselves and Janelles’s book will help in finding your inner wisdom and true self. While scanning some reviews left by fellow readers of Janelle’s book has been quoted as “inspiring,” “down-to-earth” and a real “eye-opener.” Bluntly, this book may be perfect for you if you are ready to spread your wings and ready to embrace your purpose. I 100% recommend giving it a read.
This book is available for purchase for $2.99 on Kindle or $14.99 for a paperback. You can start your journey and purchase the book HERE. You can learn more about Janelle, her podcasts, her book, and more on her website! Want to get social? Check out Janelle’s incredible and inspiring Instagram feed HERE!
With Love,
Lex Paige