I am a strong believer that there are many things in this world we can not explain. I think that is what makes the world beautiful, it’s a mystery. I have always been intrigued by the unexplainable. My mother was also this way. She believed in the spiritual world, reincarnation, and the idea we never “really die.” She believed our bodies, the tools we use to learn lessons here on earth, this part of us passes, but our souls never perish. She and I would always talk about the afterlife, angels/demons, spirits, and the paranormal world. I suppose some people might think that’s strange or even taboo, but it was normal for me and always will be.
As I was flipping through the trending shows on Netflix, I stopped on a program that imminently caught my eye. It was called Surviving Death. I started watching Surviving Death on Netflix and an experience of mine that I haven’t thought of in a while came back to me so I felt the need to share.
When I was only eighteen months old I had an accident. It’s a memory I couldn’t remember on my own but now I will never forget. We lived on the water and I was at this point able to walk and explore the backyard. I used to wander a lot, and I still actually do, but when you are a child this isn’t a parent’s ideal trait. One day I wandered out of the house and into the backyard. I made my way towards the water and then started to cross over onto our neighbor’s property. I proceeded to walk on a small bridge that lined our neighbor’s boat dock. As I walked along the line dock I lost my balance and fell in. My grandmother recently told me (since my mother has passed) that my brother started screaming and ran towards the adults who were all in the front of the house. They quickly ran to the backyard and saw the water ripples subsiding by the dock. My grandmother told me my mother ran like a bat out of hell so to speak to reach the dock. The neighbor had heard the screams and saw the water moving too. I guess I also have him to thank for pulling me out (which he did) but as my mother and family were thanking him he made a strange remark, “She was floating.” Shocked with disbelief, my mother and nearby family members thanked our neighbor for saving me from drowning and then asked me if I was okay. I responded, “I saw Gonk she pulled me up.” My grandmother told me my mother smiled and thanked God. Gonk was my great-grandmother who had passed. This wouldn’t be the last time I mentioned her either but those stories are for a different time.
I can still perfectly remember this dock with its small paneling because years later when I would play on the dock flashbacks of the accident would subtly come to my mind. In the present day, especially this last year, I have felt my senses and connection to the spiritual world grow. During my day-to-day routine, I feel certain energies that change my moods and impact my experiences. When I sleep, my dreams have become more vivid, and often they involve loved ones who have crossed over to that other side. I sometimes see things or have Deja Vu as many call it of things that might happen My premonitions are usually all positive but like life, not everything is good. I acknowledge them, I embrace them and I always open myself up to what my body, mind, and spirit want me to feel or see. Death is not the final state of our being, remember. You shouldn’t be scared when it’s your time to leave this planet and you should live each day of your physical life with positivity and joy. I know moving into this new year I am opening myself up more to my feelings and aligning my mind, body, and spirit to the beautiful mysteries of our human consciousness.
With Love,
Lex Paige