The first full moon of 2021 sets in the sky tomorrow and it is in Leo. This full moon is the Wolf Moon and to embrace the true power of the moon, I wanted to explore a moon circle ritual to bring forward my issues and cleanse myself of any negative energies.
I am a Leo and this is my full moon for the year. With a full moon, it’s important to look at your birth chart in astrology. At the moment you were born all of the planets were all in specific signs and houses. You can do this will a simple app called Sanctuary Astrology. During this time, I am to look at my 12th house which is ruled by Cancer and is the final house. Each house is associated with a set of traits. During this 12th house endings, healing, closure, spirituality, solitude, karma, old age, the afterlife, what’s hidden, limiting beliefs, and subconscious. With this new moon and my house, I am deeply invested in my emotions at this time and
Leo is a fire sign and is ruled by the sun which presents traits I fully embody. Some key things to know about my birth chart are the following:
I am a Leo Sun.
I am Pisces Moon.
I am Leo Rising Accendent.
During this full moon, it is time to explore my emotional side. I admit I can have a bit of an ego (I am a Leo) so during this time, I need to sit back and focus outward instead of servicing my self-image. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with giving myself self-praise and loving who I am, but with this full moon, it is time to dive deep into my secret self and reflect on who I am. My choices, my actions toward others, and my overall presence will be explored during my moon circle.
Creating Moon Water
During my personal moon circle ritual, I will take this time to create some moon water. Moon water is traditionally charged under the light of the Full Moon.
My suggestion is to put distilled water in a mason jar. Use something with a lid to be safe and avoid unwanted critters in the moon water. Mediate with your moon water before placing it outside and speak your intention out loud. If you would like, you can add a crystal or two to your moon water but MAKE SURE it’s safe for the water. Some that can be used are water-safe crystals, like rose quartz or amethyst. Cleanse your water with sage and set your intentions. Leave the water outside under the moonlight and drink the water the next morning to cleanse your body. You can also use moon water for watering your plants, cleansing your altar, and your home and even creating a ritual bath. I use bath salts from The Witches Moon for my ritual baths which you can see here.
Overall, I wanted to share this with all of you in the hopes of opening you all up to furthering your spirituality. The moon is a powerful energy that can help open your mind, body, and spirit and we should all take advantage of this blissful opportunity. Connect yourselves my friends and continue to grow as an individual.
With Love,
Lex Paige