
Being outdoors can improve your overall well-being and health. Outside is my happy place. When I’m not playing with my rabbit or writing, exploring the world and the beauty of nature is 100% what you can find me doing. From taking simple walks to hiking mountains, traveling allows me to reconnect with myself and our environment.
This year, I have a bunch of different trips planned including going to the beach and mountains for my birthday. Before I enjoyed some fresh air, I wanted to find some new outdoor apparel. Belk has some awesome new outdoor products that are perfect for your many adventures so I hit the stores to see what I could find.
The Lex Paige Reaction
I headed to two of my local Charlotte Belk stores to purchase some awesome gear. The Belk Outdoor Shop section (both men and women) is stocked with tons of refreshing stuff from brands like Ocean and Coast, Columbia, Speedo, GSI, Rightline Gear, and Waboba & Gamemaster.
For my adventures with Belk, I wanted to focus on comfortable, efficient, and the right apparel for my adventures. I do a lot of hiking, and fly-fishing by the water so I wanted clothing that could function in both hot and cold weather. Most of the hikes I do are in high-elevation areas and I often get hot and cold so I like to layer up. I found some leggings, shirts, a sweater, a pair of shorts, a jacket and camping gear during my shopping trip. After I got all my new Belk outdoor gear, I headed to the mountains for a weekend full of scenic beauty. We did some fly fishing, hiking, and relaxing. You can see photos of the items and a further description below.
Ocean & Coast® Drop Shoulder Cowl Neck Sweater in Ivory Sail: I loved the scoop drop neck with this sweater. It is lightweight and perfect for when I hike or hang by the stream. I purchased this in a size small.
Columbia Copper Crest™ Hooded Jacket in Caynon Blue: I had been looking for a jacket that was fleece lined and easy to move around in for a long time. Finding this in the Belk Outdoor Shop was a major win. It keeps me warm and is lightweight. I chose this jacket because when the temperature drops at night (even in the Summer months) I always find myself wrapped up in a blanket by the fire and still freezing during camping trips. This jacket will be coming with me on all my cabin adventures for years to come. I purchased this in a size small.
Ocean & Coast® Cargo Leggings: In general, I live in leggings but almost always wear them when I go on an outdoor adventure. I loved this pair of leggings because of the additional side zip pockets, which are big enough for your phone or keys. This is a win for me because the less I have to carry on my back, the easier the hike or fishing will be. They have an elastic waistband, are comfortable, and are easy to move in. I purchased this in a size small and black.
GSI Outdoors JavaPress Portable French Coffee Press: Every morning my significant other and I enjoy some french pressed coffee. Last year during our trip to a cabin in Gatlinburg, we lugged our metal coffee press with us which we both agreed was a terrible idea. So, when I found this lightweight and portable French coffee press I knew I had to get it. This clever 30 oz. coffee maker combines a lightweight and shatter-resistant, BPA-free carafe with a double-walled, insulated lid and ballistic nylon-wrapped cozy. We took it to the mountains for the weekend to try out and it kept our coffee warm and tasty for hours. If you love coffee like me, this is an outdoor must-have. The featured French Coffee Press wasn’t online, but check this out instead here.
Ocean & Coast® Women’s Long Sleeve Graphic T-Shirt: Something simple to cover my arms when I get too much sun was on my list of items to get. I’m a Leo, so I am ruled by the sun but from time to time…I get too much of it. After a day of activities, this shirt was a nice sheer cover-up and the print is cute too. I purchased this shirt in a size small and ivory.
Ocean & Coast® Lined Leggings: Even in the warmer months, flyfishing with my significant other usually means going into the mountains for trout can get very cold. I wanted to find a pair of leggings that were lined in fleece because when I climb on stream rocks, hike in the spring, or venture to a waterfall my outdoor attire was not keeping me warm. These leggings are lined for extra comfort and as a bonus have a cell phone pocket so you can stay hands-free during your busy day. I purchased these in a size small and Olive Love.
ACDC Junior’s Butterfly Skimmer Top: It wouldn’t be a shopping trip for outdoor apparel if I didn’t get a top that screamed I love nature. This is more of a trendy top but it’s also lightweight which is great for hiking. I love how soft it is and I am a big fan of butterflies. I also always like showing off my support in caring for the planet while I am out experiencing it. I purchased this in a size small.
ZELOS Solid Running Shorts: You always need a good pair of active shorts in your outdoor gear collection. I like these because they are simple, versatile and they have an elastic waistband. They are comfortable to move in and small enough to stash in my hiking backpack if I get hot. It’s not warm enough just yet to wear these, but an image is listed below.
ZELOS Active Top: Having a sports bra-style top is a must for me when I am enjoying any outdoor activity. This ZELOS top I got in black size medium and I love how comfortable it is. I also am a sucker for a cross back which it has.
I loved all the apparel and items I was able to pick up to get ready for my outdoor adventures. Devoting some time to nature will benefit you in many ways and having the right gear will help you enjoy it even more. If you would like to check out the Belk outdoor shop and purchase some affordable and high-quality products, click here. Use code BELKOUTDOORS to score 20-50% OFF your purchase. This code is active until 5/31/2021. Happy shopping and may your next journey be as incredible as you are.
With Love,
Lex Paige
We are a very outdoorsy family and are often out walking through woodlands and fields. I really do love the look of those cargo leggings
I love the butterfly top
It’s so cute right?! I love butterflies.
thx for the reccomendations !!
Of course!
Those all look like comfy pieces. I am all about good pieces that are versatile like this!
Right! That is the best part you can wear them outdoors and as leisure wear.
I love the color on the coat – it’s just perfect. Those running shorts sound really nice as well, I will need to check out this brand.
Love all of these suggestions! I’ve gotten into hiking the last year with not being able to go to the gym, and I totally need those leggings for sure.
These pieces look so good. Thanks for the recommendations.
Great, stylish pieces for all those summer activities! Love your picks!
I hope you enjoy your birthday trip. We’re hoping to take a trip for my birthday coming up too. Some new outdoor gear would not be a bad idea.
So glad to hear. Use the promo code if you decide to do a little shopping!