Make A Tasty DIY Charcuterie Board in Four Easy Steps

Make A Tasty DIY Charcuterie Board in Four Easy Steps

Ready to make a DIY tasty charcuterie board? Just follow my four easy steps and you can! So now my last question, who’s ready to eat? Making the perfect charcuterie board is easy. For real, anyone can do it. You can make your DIY charcuterie board or box with delicious products from Il Villaggio, Entremont, Dalmatia, Villa Manodori, and  Black Kassel.

How To Make Your Board

Step 1: Start with your spreads and oils. The Dalmatia spreads taste delicious and look stunning. They pair perfectly with meats, cheeses, and fruits on your charcuterie board or gift box. I love using these spreads on my charcuterie boards. Personally, the chestnut honey is my favorite. Additionally, I like adding olive oils to my charcuterie. I added a plate of olive oil from Villa Manodori for dipping.

Step 2: Place your cheeses. I like placing soft cheeses in the middle. I decided to center the board around a bowl of mozzarella and surround it with hard cheeses from EntreMont. Use whatever creativity you would like when cutting your cheeses.

Step 3: Add your meats. Black Kassel is one of my top choices for creating the perfect charcuterie boards. These meats are made from authentic European recipes using cold-smoked, cold-cured, and dry-cured ingredients. I like to slice them into one-inch pieces and place them on different sections of the board.

Step 4: Add your favorite nuts, bread, and crackers in between. This finishes your charcuterie board. Now it’s time to eat and enjoy!

These products all make a great addition and will have you and your guests wanting more. You can find all of these brands today at your local supermarket. @dalmatia_spreads  @villamanodori @atalantacorporation @blackkassel

With Love,

Lex Paige

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.