The last time I received a handwritten note was nearly three years ago. It’s crazy to think, but so many of us rely on email, text, or even slide into a DM to get our message across. Nowadays, it is more important than ever to be personable and to connect on a deeper level. In a world of digital clutter, it is easy to disregard emails and other forms of digital communication. Due to our fast-paced digital lives, I believe we often forget to take the time to write thank-you notes or welcome letters by hand. In this day and age, handwritten letters have become a lost art. Nevertheless, written correspondence is becoming more and more important as a tool for promoting products and building relationships with new clients. Writing is a personal pastime that gives meaning to your words, which Handwritten has helped to revive.
According to an article in Forbes, new ways to impress advertisers have recently been discussed. The article states, “What worked in advertising five years ago may not work as well today.” The statement could not be more true. Changing up your advertising game with confidence, transparency, and authenticity is discussed in the article. Doing this through an email is nearly impossible. The best way to accomplish all of this with current and new clients is to send them Handwritten custom-designed notes. With handwritten notes, you can be almost certain that your message will be read, opened, and appreciated.
Why Handwritten Notes Matter
When trying to acquire new clients, it can be difficult to provide personalized service. You are trying to attract new business, but do not know how to connect with your prospects on a deeper level through the digital world. You may want to consider sending more than just an email if you’re looking to expand your marketing strategy. To impress a new potential client, a personal touch is something that most prospects and customers desire. You can accomplish this by sending them a handwritten note. A handwritten note makes them feel valued and appreciated and grabs their attention. Handwritten uses handwriting robots that hold real pens and write notes in the handwriting style of your choice while keeping time to a minimum.
When you write handwritten notes to your customers, you can establish a lasting relationship with them. They are like a gift to your clients which they keep long after they are sent. Just think of all the handwritten notes you have seen hung up in offices and why they are there. Notes are a token of sincere appreciation and care and demonstrate both positivity and genuineness to your new client. This is a way you can gain and keep their new business.
I’ve received only a few written notes from clients during the past decade of working in an office. However, I can tell you off the top of my head who those clients were because the thoughtfulness of sending a handwritten note stuck with me. I cannot stress enough how introducing yourself to new clients with a handwritten note will make them feel valued and is more likely to help influence them to sign up for your services.
Remember the power a handwritten note has. You can stand out, impress, and build connections with new clients thanks to Handwritten. To see more on Handwritten notes, pricing, and more check out this article: Welcome Message for New Clients.
With Love,
Lex Paige