Honestly, I haven’t slept well since the pandemic began. The fact that I was always at home led me to stay up later and later. I suffered some serious sleepless nights and it had a major impact on my overall health. As time passed, I began to notice dark circles forming under my eyes, my lack of energy during the day, and my overall drive to do anything falling shorter and shorter. It was the worst.
Sleep is one of the most important things to function, so I didn’t want to ignore the issue any longer. When you are an adult you should get 7+ hours of sleep each night. Since I wasn’t, I started to do some research on insomnia and ways to improve my sleep. During my research, I found that I wasn’t alone.
Why Sleep Matters
The American Psychological Association reported that since the epidemic there has been a swell in sleep disorders. It was reported that 2 in 3 Americans are now sleeping either more or less than asked. (Partinen, M., The Lancet Neurology, Vol. 20, No. 1, 2021; Stress in America 2021, APA). With so numerous people, like me, having their normal routines turned upside down, quality sleep started to be a thing of the past. I started to look for ways to help get my sleep routine on track and I found six helpful tips that worked for my sleep.
6 Tips to Help You Sleep
1. First and foremost, make sure you have a good bed. There is nothing worse than sleeping on an old, worn-out mattress. SleepFoundation.org reports that every 6-8 years you should replace your mattress. There are many different mattresses on the market you can choose from, which can often be overwhelming. A zero gravity bed is a newer type of mattress that comes with some profound benefits. The top 6 benefits of zero-gravity sleeping include less neck and back pain, reduced snoring, improved heart health, reduced acid reflux and heartburn decreased swelling, and overall better breathing.
2. Good sheets and a comforter are essential. For the longest time, I was sleeping with a heavy comforter that made me overheat at night and sheets that just tramped in heat. My advice, find a bedding set that is the right material for you. I went with an all-white comforter set that is breathable, soft, and easy to wash.
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3. Even if you work from home, resist the urge to work from your bed. Getting quality rest is essential to our physical and mental well-being. By following some of these simple tips I hope you can rest your head on your pillow to get a good night’s rest. Working from your bed is probably one of the worst things you can do. This is the place you sleep, it should be as relaxing as possible. When you work from your bed peaceful places become littered with stress. I’m as guilty as you, I’ve answered a few emails before I get out of bed. But I had to learn how to ditch that bad habit fast. Wakefulness is associated with working which ultimately can mess up your sleep routine. To be honest, you should avoid anything that makes you feel awake while you are in bed. This can be things like playing on your phone, working, watching TV, or even reading from your bed.
4. We all know that feeling…being in bed and then wanting a little snack. The answer is a big NO! Do not eat late, especially right before bed. Eating at night can cause you not only to gain weight but also some heartburn. It is difficult to fall asleep when you’re feeling stuffed.
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5. Exercise is key. Run, jump, lift weights, or even just take a nice long walk. Whatever you have to do to get your body moving; do it! Exercise is one of the best ways to improve your sleep and overall health. SleepFoundation.org found that moderate-to-vigorous exercise can increase sleep quality for adults by reducing the time it takes to fall asleep. I try for at least thirty minutes every day to be active and exercise midafternoon. This helps me fall asleep faster and wake up more refreshed.
6. Last but not least, try some sleepy-time tea. I love Celestial seasonings sleepytime extra caffeine-free herbal tea. I legit take it every night. This tea has a delicious blend of chamomile, spearmint, and other soothing herbs. I have a cup every night and it helps me fall fast asleep.
With Love,
Lex Paige